
Earlier on this year my friend Joel rang me up saying he's got some work for me to photograph. Even though he'd explained what they were I wasn't expecting them to be so big or so beautiful. They're huge hand carved wooden sculptures/ urns/ tbc. We photographed them at my flat first, all of which are on Joel's site and then a couple of weeks ago I went to Dorset where Joel lives and works to take some pictures there. Aren't they lovely? Now I just need a grand piano, sweeping staircase to put one on/ under!

Zero Dorset web-091.jpg
Zero Dorset web-044.jpg
Zero Dorset web-134.jpg
Zero Dorset web-043.jpg
Zero Dorset web-037.jpg
Zero Dorset web-060.jpg
Zero Dorset web-054.jpg
Zero Dorset web-149.jpg
Zero Dorset web-095.jpg